こども園日記 BLOG



Put on your T-shirt please


“Good morning Rainbow class! Let’s sing the ‘Hello’ song!”




“H, I, J, K… L, M, N, O, P…” 🎵



Star class singing: “We wish you a merry Christmas…” 🎶

歌を歌っているスタークラスのみんな「We wish you a merry Christmas…🎶」



“We all do a little clapping, Christmas is here!” 🎄




“Please repeat after me: – a hat ” 👒




3 times fast – “Sunglass, sunglass, sunglass!” 🕶




“T-shirt, T-shirt, T-shirt” 



Sky class students paying attention. 👍



Put on your… T-shirt, please.

December is here and with it came all the fun that this time of the year brings. All the children were super excited today when they heard they would be singing ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’. The song involves a lot of body movement and Mr. Thales was not able to keep up with the student’s. Do not give up Mr. Thales! 🤣

Today’s vocabulary: T-shirt, sunglass, hat, swimsuit, flip flops (or sandals)

Today’s main song: ” We wish you a merry Christmas.”



12月がやってきました!たくさんの楽しいことがあるよ!We wish you a merry Christmasの歌を聞いてみんな喜んでいます。この歌は体をたくさん動かします。子どもたちの動きにタレス先生がついていけませんでした。タレス先生がんばってー!🤣

今日の単語 T-shirt, sunglass, hat, swimsuit, flip flops (or sandals)

今日の歌 『 We wish you a merry Christmas』