こども園日記 BLOG



Catching bugs

Learning the insects in English!

Rose, Sunflower and Violet class




Good morning! ☀️ Let’s start the lesson by singing a couple of songs together!

“The months of the year” and “The wheels on the bus” 🎤

おはよう!☀️ 一緒に歌ってレッスンを始めましょう!

「マンス オブ ザ イアー」一年にはこんな月がありますよという歌と「バスの車輪」🎤




You guys are doing great on singing and doing the gestures along! 👏





“… the horn on the bus goes – beep, beep, beep, beep…!” 🚌

「…バスのクラクションが鳴るよ ビー、ビー、ビー、ビー…!」🚌




Let’s sit down and learn about the insects in English. Please, repeat after Mr. Thales!





Now that we know the insects names in English, let’s play an activity together! 

The goal is to call out the insect in English and catch them! Let’s go! 🙌


虫を捕まえて虫かごに入れること!さあレッツ ゴー!🙌

Today’s insects: a butterfly, a catterpilar, a bee, a dragonfly.