こども園日記 BLOG



English Parent Observation

Year 1 class English Parent Observation class 

Apple, Sunflower and Melon class


This Tuesday and Wednesday was the year 1 English lesson observation. We welcomed parents and guardians to join and participate in our English lesson 🙌 

At the start of the lesson, we were a bit shy, but as we sang “The wheels on the bus” we were able to put the shy feeling aside and continue on, just as always. 

We were so glad that parents and guardians were able to join in this lesson series on ‘bugs and insects’. Its a topic that children love so much. 

Today’s bugs: a caterpillar, a butterfly, a dragonfly and a bee.



レッスンの初めは少し恥ずかしがっていましたが、「bugs and insects」を歌ううちに恥ずかしさを忘れ、いつものようにレッスンに参加できました。

