こども園日記 BLOG



A blue circle!

Mr. Thales saying: “- Today we will sing twinkle, twinkle little star!”「今日歌う歌は、きらきら星だよ!」 Teaching the hand motions. 手の動きを伝えます。 “Up above the world so high…“ 「手を高く上げて…」  Let’s sing the ABC song together!  ABCの歌を歌いましょう!Teaching the kids how to make a big circle with their hands.  子どもたちに手で大きな丸が作れることを伝えます。 “Look, a blue circle!” 「青い丸だよ!」 The children practicing how to make a square with their hands. 子どもたちも手で四角を作る練習をしています。 The children using their creativity on making more shapes. 想像力を働かせていろいろな形を作っています。 Mr. Thales asked: “- How many circles can you find?” 「何個丸を見つけることができるかな?」 “Look there were this many circles!” 「たくさん丸の形があるね!」




Today we learned about shapes and colors. Mr. Thales taught the class that shapes are all around us, and he instigated them to try to find these shapes in our daily routine or even our homes!



Vocabulary word: circle, diamond, heart and square

今日の単語: 丸、ひし形、ハート、四角


Vocabulary in phrase: “It’s a blue circle!” “It’s an orange square.” “It’s a pink heart!”

今日の文章: 「青い丸です!」「オレンジの四角です!」「ピンクのハートです!」