こども園日記 BLOG



To the zoo we go!

Let’s take a walk in the zoo!

Apple, banana and melon class! 🍎 🍌 🍈




Hello everyone! Let’s sing the “twinkle twinkle little star” song together!

こんにちは、みんな! 「きらきら星」の歌を一緒に歌いましょう!




What letter is this? This is the letter ‘P’… Well done! 👍





Today, we will see some zoo animals! Let’s use our imagination to imitate them!





Woa! There is an animal cage next to Thales sensei… what kind of animal is inside?! A toucan!

うわー!タレス先生の隣には動物の檻が… 中には何の動物が!?オオハシ!




It was so much fun learning about the zoo animals today! 😆



Today’s vocabulary words: a giraffe, a toucan, a sheep, a fox, an alligator.