こども園日記 BLOG



10 little penguins

Let’s count to ten!

Bear and Elephant class




Hello, everyone! Good morning! 2nd term has started, are you ready to have lots of fun? 😄

みんなおはよう! 2学期が始まりましたが、楽しく過ごす準備はできていますか?😄




After pretending to go for a walk, we jumped, we swam… we got a little tired. So lets take a quick nap. 😴





Show us your angry pose. 🤣





Let’s try to pronounce the ABCs correctly. Please, repeat after Mr. Thales. 





Wow, there are so many things that we are able to count! An easy way to practice counting in English, are the fingers in our hands! Let’s practice counting in English! 😉


Today’s vocabulary words: happy, angry, scared, sleepy, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.